Nr | Titlul | Autori | Publicaţia | Localitatea | Anul | Pag. |
1 | Time to become lean: The implementation model | Iuga, M.V., Kifor, C.V., Rosca, L.I. | "Proceedings : 2014 International Conference on Production Research – Regional Conference Africa, Europe and the Middle East 3rd International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management , 2014 ICPR-AEM-QIEM, ISBN: 978-973-662-978-5" | Cluj-Napoca | 2015 | 269 - 274 |
2 | Lean Criteria for Choosing Key Performance Indicators at Shop Floor | Iuga, M.V., Kifor, C.V., Rosca, L.I. | International Conference of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Researchers, Craiova, 12-13 September 2014, pag.3 | Craiova | 2014 | 3 |
3 | Software for the analysis of the complete factorial experiment in mechanical engineering. | Țîțu, M.A., Roșca, L.I., Borza, S. | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NONCONVENTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES 16th EDITION | Sibiu | 2013 | - |
4 | Contributions regarding shaping some technological parameters at the dimensional processing through electric erosion. | Țîțu, M.A., Roșca, L.I. | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NONCONVENTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES 16th EDITION | Sibiu | 2013 | - |
5 | Minciuna şi identificarea ei în cadrul procesului de comunicare | Avrigean, D.L. Roşca, L. | Conferinţa naţională cu participare internaţională “Psihopedagogia special – între practică şi cercetare” | Târgu Mureş | 2009 | - |
6 | Investitorul – Joc interactiv de simulare a activităţilor bursiere. | Roşca, L. | Conferinţa ştiinţifică Internaţională TCMR 2001. Volumul V - Tehnologii Moderne. Calitate. Restructurare. ISBN 9975-9638-5-4 | Chişinău | 2001 | 273 ... 276 |
7 | Internet Awareness, Usage and Attitudes of University Faculty: A Case Study | Roşca, L. Thistlethwaite, P. | Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 7, Number 4 | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | 2000 | 216 - 221 |
8 | ISP-Expert: A Decision Support System for Internet Service Providers Selection | Roşca, L. | Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol.XXXIX, Technical Series. F. Industrial Management and Marketing. Issued for Beyond 2000 International Conference. ISSN 1221-4949 | Sibiu | 1999 | 159 - 163 |
9 | Dezvoltarea unui intranet: Probleme manageriale, Sibiu, 25 - 26 Noiembrie 1999 | Roşca, L. | Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol.XXXIX, Technical Series. F. Industrial Management and Marketing. Issued for Beyond 2000 International Conference, ISSN 1221-4949, | Sibiu | 1999 | 165 - 168 |
10 | Views of Parents Concerning the Future of Their Children: An Eastern European Perspective | Thistlethwaite, P.C., Rosca, L., Stan, S., Cernusca, D. | Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Fourth Annual Meeting, Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas | Las Vegas | 1997 | - |
11 | The influence of Location of Stores on the Merchandising Mix: Comparison of Upper Town Stores and Lower-Town Stores in Sibiu, Romania | Stan, S., Roşca,L., Thistlethwaite,P. | Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | 1996 | 26 - 33 |
12 | Trends in The Computer Market: Views of Managers in Sibiu | Sâman, E., Roşca, L., Thistlethwaite, P. | Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences | Las Vegas, Nevada, USA | 1996 | 34 ... 39 |
13 | Organizational Customer Satisfaction: Wholesaler and Retailer’s Perspectives in Romania. | Barb,C., Stan,S., Thistlethwaite,P., Roşca,L. | Proceedings of the Conference: Marketing Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe | Vienna, A. | 1995 | 121... 134 |
14 | Cercetări privind abilităţile şi cunoştinţele suplimentare ce ar trebui dobândite în învăţământul superior. | Roşca,L., Bucur,V., Bogdan,L. | Comunicările celei de a 7-a Conferinţe internaţionale de inginerie managerială şi tehnologică, vol.8 | Timişoara | 1995 | 15 - 20 |
15 | Unele aspecte privind cercetarea opţiunilor de pregătire managerială pentru agenţii economici din judeţul Sibiu | Ţuţurea, M., Mărginean, S., Brândaşu, D., Bucur, V., Roşca, L., Cernuşcă, D. | Comunicările celei de a 7-a Conferinţe internaţionale de inginerie managerială şi tehnologică, vol.8 | Timişoara | 1995 | 3 ... 7 |
16 | Sistem integrat de proiectare asistată şi gestiune pentru reperele de tip cruce cardanică din fabricaţia S.C. COMPA S.A. Sibiu. | Roşca, L., Roşca, N., Bondrea, I., Deneş, C. | Lucrările celui de-al VIII conferinţe cu participare internaţională “Tehnologii şi produse noi în construcţia de maşini”, TEHNOMUS VIII, vol.3. | Suceava | 1995 | 179… 185 |
17 | An Evaluation of Services Provided in a Privatizing Economy: A Focus on Sibiu, Romania: An Exploratory Study. | Thistlethwaite, P., Roşca, L., Stan, S., Bucur, V., Brîndaşu, D., Ţuţurea, M., Cernuşcă, D. | Proceedings of the Conference: Marketing Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe | Vienna, A. | 1994 | 15 pag. |
18 | Perspectives on Retailing in a Privatizing Economy: Preliminary Findings. | Stan, S., Thistlethwaite, P., Evans, K., Roşca, L | Proceedings of the Conference: Marketing Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe | Vienna, A. | 1994 | 12 pag. |
19 | Romania's Manufacturing Transition to Business Competition. | Ebert, R.J., Tanner, G., Ţuţurea, M., Brîndaşu, D., Roşca, L., Drâmbărean, D., ş.a. | Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, vol.3 | Honolulu, Hawaii, USA | 1994 | 1556...1558 |
20 | Optimizarea elementelor active la debitarea prin eroziune electrică cu rupere de contact (E.E.R.C.), cu bandă metalică. | Nanu,D., Roşca,L., Sofonea,G., Bucur,V. | A II a Conferinţă ştiinţifică internaţională “Maşini şi tehnologii moderne” | Cugir | 1993 | 293... 296 |
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